Answer from NGA February 28, 2007. A. I could not find African sumac listed in any of the allelopathic lists, although sumac as a genus is listed. We would like to plant one in the back yard but have dogs, is this tree alright around pets? But it is terribly messy and weedy. Petunias are also quite susceptible to juglone ( the poisonous compound in allelopathic plants.) Is the African Sumac alright to have around pets? It is one of the most common trees on the Highveld and in the Bushveld in South Africa, but not found in the Lowveld. I could not find African sumac listed in any of the allelopathic lists, although sumac as a genus is listed. In North America, where it is naturalized, it is known as African sumac and willow rhus. Searsia lancea commonly known as karee, karree (Afrikaans), is an evergreen, frost hardy, drought resistant tree, which can reach up to 8 metres in height with a 5 metre spread. My tree by Devanjs3gmailcom: May 20, 2019 5:46 PM: 6: What is this plant? Habitat: Riparian. by Junkerist: Mar 30, 2019 8:48 AM: 15: Trying to identify this plant in my yard. African sumac, which is actually the same genus as poison oak, is considered poisonous; it may cause milder but similar symptoms to those allergic to it. by RobGlen: Jun 17, 2018 10:07 AM: 10: African Sumac (Searsia lancea) by jimard8: Aug 17, 2015 7:20 PM: 13 The petunias are all dying. Arizona Native Status: Introduced. Are the African sumac leaves poisonous? Ended up in ER 3x’s, admitted 2x’s all in one month, and missed a month of work. What can I do? Sugar sumac Rhus ovata A deep evergreen shrub with dense foliage and a rounded shape, growing up to 15 ft tall. Common Names: African Sumac, Karee, Western Karee, Willow Rhus. To reduce drought stress, provide supplemental water, and shade during the summer. We mulched our new flower bed with leaves from our African sumac tree. I didn’t know which poisonous plants but identified and eradicated poison ivy. 0. Also consider Rhus choriophylla. This recently naturalized tree is native to the southern part of Africa. It will freely seed itself wherever there is water, including in all your potted plants. If so, how long do I have to wait before I can plant in the area again? It came to Arizona from South Africa in the 1920s and was planted heavily during the 1970s. This may seem harmless, but when you pull your 8 millionth plant out of the garden or a pot or whatever you are ready to chop the darn thing down! Answered by theficuswrangler on December 1, 2014. Red buds open into clusters of pinkish flowers in the spring. So it's possible. Plant Characteristics. African sumac has taken a quicker path to obsolescence in the Tucson area. Now, I check my yard daily and now see poison ivy starting to grow, and I have one 8 ft poison sumac tree, and certain there are several smaller ones in the back of my property. Duration: Perennial, Evergreen. The African sumac (Rhus lancea) is a pretty tree, at a distance. Growth Habit: Tree.