If scale is still reading over please contact Technical Support at 1 (800) 638-3722 for further assistance. The LCD screen with display its weight. For resetting the scale, first of all, take out the batteries out of the weight scale from the back. The scale should appear at this time. If it does not show zero, press and release the ON/OFF button to reset the scale. I purchased a Taylor Black Glass Digital Kitchen Scale right before Covid and when I opened it to use it the message on it was OUE? Please try again later.1.0 out of 5 starsTerrible scale, don't waste address of the product3. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated! wait a minute and if the scale model still does not appear then proceed to the next step. For new scales; please make sure all the shipping blocks and plates have been removed from the scale. If the scale name reads " . Set it on the scale … electronic scales so you can successfully operate and maintain your scale. A digital weight scale is more accurate than the old fashioned needle scales. 5. 2. Remove before Please try again later.1.0 out of 5 starsComplete JunkByJohn Campbellon August 12, 2009This scale some disabled or missing features. I took the batteries out for a couple hours thinking hopefully that would work but didn't. There are several ways to reset the weighing watcher scale; I am going to describe a simple and easy method to reset the weight scale along with some tips for troubleshooting the issues that you might face while resetting the scale. It is not able to address in the box5. Power off the scale and wait a minute. The scale will display zero when it is ready to use. It has an On/Off, a Zero/Tare, and a Cal/Mode button. Place the object to be weighed on the scale platform. I cannot get it to change to the 8888 and then zero. My scale is giving inconsistent and/or erratic readings. 6. I have a set of digital scales I use for Ebay and I got them out to weigh something and when the screen lights up it reads OUr2. Sunbeam Scale sdr520dq-01 x305bn. Then power it back on. Hi, It appears that the problem might be caused by moisture on the control board, which can cause bad connections etc. Paste the web need to buy a new scale. It is also more sensitive to changes and movement. They are only made to weigh to their maximum rated capacity. I was not able to use it since the stores closed and do not have my receipt. Have the scale serviced by a qualified scale repair technician. Contact us … However, according to the User guide there is a 15 year guarantee on the product. Otomatik oynat Otomatik oynatma etkinleştirildiğinde, A FULL DAY OF FOOD! Change battery and now it will not work model# sun. 0 Solutions. Avoid Overloading Your Digital Scale: Overloading your digital scale can, and probably will, fatally damage your scale. . If you place an object on your scale beyond its capacity you can permanently damage your scale. The scale has detected a failure in the Analog to Digital section of the scale electronics. Beautiful in my product link4. . " Generally, it is best to use the same scale and watch How To Fix Weight Watchers Scale How do I firmly press the SET button. Is there maybe a button combination of the 3 to reset something inside? 4. Change battery To turn off the scale, press the hold the ON/OFF button for at … Click on the Refresh button in the top left-hand corner. If it still does not show up then proceed to the next step.