Geographical range: Widespread, common in temperate parts of the Northern Hemisphere including the Pacific northwest and in BC, and reported from the Southern Hemisphere. Ring or veil: A distinct white ring with a cuff-like part around the stem and a small spreading rim. 4 ต.ค. Singer, Lepiota leucothites (Vittad.) Besides this hazard, some people get really sick from eating this mushroom, whereas others eating the same dish enjoy it. leucothites (Vittad.) It starts out rounded, often shaped like a motorcycle helmet, then flattens and spreads to become convex with a flattened or depressed centre. 2018 - พินนี้ค้นพบโดย Herbert Waldron (27) ค้นพบ (และบันทึก!) Leucoagaricus leucothites: 0.68: Amanita bisporigera: 0.14: Calvatia gigantea: 0.08: Volvopluteus gloiocephalus: 0.02: Amanita ocreata: 0.01: Disclaimer: This bot is not in any way affiliated with r/mycology or the mod team. The base can be rounded. 6-10 cm long; 1-1.5 cm thick; usually club-shaped; dry; bald; discoloring and bruising yellowish to brownish; becoming hollow; with a white ring on the upper stem that is fairly persistent but may fall away. 1974 Decisamente una giornata proficua, quel novembre 2011 nelle pinete ravennati con Merrisiano Caldironi: a poca distanza dal Leucoagaricus sublittoralis di cui al precedente intervento, tre altri esemplari, a prima vista ascrivibili allo stesso Genere, ma di dimensioni più piccole, con diam. Time to onset has varied between 10 min and 10 hours, averaging 4 hours6. По света Лепиота ореховая, Зонтик ореховый (руски). are Leucoagaricus leucothites (Vittad.) Wasser CLASSE: Basidiomiceti FAMIGLIA: Agaricaceae NOME COMUNE: Mazza di tamburo liscia CAPPELLO: 4-10 cm, carnoso, ovoidale, poi campanulato, indi piano; pellicola liscia o granulosa, farinosa, spesso screpolata, di colore da biancastro a nocciola chiaro. There is no volva at the base of the stipe, the spores have a germ pore and the pileus covering is a trichoderm. Beug, M. W., Shaw, M. & Cochran, K. W. Thirty-plus years of mushroom poisoning: Summary of the approximately 2,000 reports in the NAMA case registry. The surface appears dry and dull, not shiny, and its colour is commonly white to cream. У нас Бяла сърнелка, Орехова сърнела (сърнелка). [1] Ficha del Leucoagaricus leucothites, antigua Lepiota naucina, con sus características microscópicas, descricción macroscópica, comentarios y fotos. Leucoagaricus leucothites (Carlo Vittadini, 1835 ex Solomon P. Wasser, 1977), sin. British Columbia: 604-682-5050 or 1-800-567-8911. Leucoagaricus leucothites (Vittadini) Wasser [= Lepiota naucina (Fries) Kummer; L. naucinus (Fries) P.D. Leucoagaricus holosericeus (Gillet) Moser ima snježno bijeli klobuk, na dodir požuti. If you find an error or you want to add more information about the mushroom please click here. The specific epithet leucothites comes from the same Greek root leucos meaning white, but -thites had me foxed until Aren & Maria van Waarde kindly contributed the following suggestion, based on a dictionary of - Classical Greek written by Prof.G.J.M.Bartelink in 1958: Thites comes from a Greek word spelled theta-eta-tau-epsilon-sigma, this was the name for the lowest - Class in society. . P.D. Lack of ornamentation on the stipe base, smooth cap surface, and ring on the stalk that looks like it may be partially detachable all point toward L. leucothites. Attention à la confusion possible avec les amanites blanches toxiques ou mortelles telles queAmanita ovoidea,Amanita virosaou. Gills: Crowded, free from the stem, white at first, and gill edges remain white as gill faces turn cream or pink with age (see image above). Lames blanches libres. Wasser říše Fungi - houby » třída Agaricomycetes - stopkovýtrusé » řád Agaricales - pečárkotvaré » čeleď Agaricaceae - pečárkovité » rod Leucoagaricus - bedla Edible, very tasty when fried without boiling. Moser. Lamelle Fitte, molto sottili, libere da bianche a carnicine Lamelle Gambo . Old specimens can be brownish and grey-capped specimens are not uncommon. Synonyms of Leucoagaricus leucothites include Agaricus leucothites Vittad., Agaricus holosericeus Fr., Agaricus naucinus Fr., Lepiota naucina (Fr.) Grows from soil, often in urban areas near gardens and landscapes. Orton] CAPPELLO 40-100 mm, carnoso, da emisferico-campanulato a tronco-conico-convesso, fino ad appianato, con largo umbone ottuso; margine un po’ debordante, appendicolato da resti di velo biancastri; superficie liscia o leggermente granulosa, talora appena squamettata … Leucoagaricus leucothites (Also known as Leucoagaricus naucinus, Lepiota naucina) Smooth Lepiota Order Agaricales, family Agaricaceae CAP WHITE, SMOOTH Cap: 4-10 cm wide; nearly round when young, then broadly convex Leucoagaricus leucothites is a common species of open man-made habitats, such as lawns and ï¬elds. Leucoagaricus leucothites is collected and eaten by enthusiastic (or perhaps over-enthusiastic) mushroom hunters while the Amanita is deadly poisonous, so a mistake in identification can be disastrous. bedla zardělá (Leucoagaricus leucothites) Charakteristické znaky: Pro tento druh jsou charakteristické husté bělavé až bělavě krémové lupeny, bílá, na řezu neměnná dužnina a růst v trávě na pastvinách, v zahradách, parcích a na jiných podobných místech. Orton, Lepiota naucina (Fr.) Pied facilement séparable du chapeau. Cup: None. Symptoms: Gastrointestinal distress has been the most common complaint after eating this species. Habitat: On the ground, in lawns, grasslands, but also in woods, and in human environments. Do not confuse it with Amanita virosa: that one has pure white spore powder! Locq., Leucoagaricus naucinus (Fr.) In 1977 the Ukrainian mycologist Solomon P Wasser (born 1946) transferred this species to the genus Leucoagaricus, establishing its currently accepted scientific name Leucoagaricus leucothites. P. Kumm. Wasser семейство Agaricaceae (Печуркови) синоними Lepiota leucothites (Vittad.) The species was originally described as Agaricus leucothites by Carlo Vittadini in 1835. Leucoagaricus subcretaceus Bon je robusna, masivnija, prljavobijele boje, na dodir posmeđi. The stem is hollow and its flesh is shiny and white. 3). Wasser 1977 Tassonomia Divisione Basidiomycota Classe Agaricomycetes Ordine Agaricales Famiglia Agaricaceae Sinonimi Lepiota naucina (Fr.) White dapperlings7 are common in lawns. About The Leucoagaricus Leucothites Mushroom, Leucoagaricus Leucothites Taxonomy & Etymology. P. Kumm. Nombre científico: Leucoagaricus leucothites Nombre común: Lepiota blanca Sombrero: Sombrero que en su máximo desarrollo puede aproximarse a los 10 cm de diámetro, aunque lo habitual es encontrarlo en torno a los 5 cm, de forma de campana al principio, después claramente convexo, sin llegar a aplanarse del todo. The flesh in the cap is white, dull, and thick. Although fairly common in Britain and Ireland, and found also throughout most of mainland Europe, these larger-than-life dapperlings tend to be localised. Other names: White Dapperling, White Agaricus Mushroom. This mushroom is recognized by its white gills, white cap, and white ring. Of course, the problem here is potential confusion with genus Amanita. Descripción de Leucoagaricus leucothites Hongo que desarrolla cuerpos fructíferos (basidiomas o setas), con un sombrero liso y mate, al principio acampanado y luego convexo, de 5 - 10 cm de diámetro, de color blanco y a veces con tonos grisáceos u ocráceos en la zona central. Nuova stagione per "Conoscere i funghi" il programma prodotto da Dieci&Lode in onda su Telebelluno. Descripción y características de la lepiota blanca (Leucoagaricus leucothites) La lepiota blanca (Leucoagaricus leucothites = Lepiota naucina) tiene un sombrero ovoide o globoso al principio, luego se despliega y se aplana. This species occurs in many other parts of the world including North America. In fields where they occur there are often large numbers of them scattered around in groups. 1871 Foto e Descrizioni This common mushroom, also known as Leucoagaricus naucinus and, in older sources, Lepiota naucina, appears in lawns across North America - typically in fall, but occasionally in spring and summer as well. Wasser and L. barssii. Spores: 7â10.0 x 5.0â7.0 µm, smooth, white in mass, colourless in transmitted light, but red-brown in an iodine solution, with a small germ pore. P.D. It is a widespread mushroom that occurs mostly in grassy areas, gardens, and other human-influenced habitats, but also occasionally in forests. Leucoagaricus is derived from the Greek Leucos meaning white and Agaricus, the genus name of the 'true mushrooms' as many people call the Field Mushroom, Horse Mushroom and their close relatives all of which have pink gills that darken when the brown or purple-brown spores mature. Sporée : Blanche. I have eaten L. leucothites, and found it to be of good quality. Présence d'un voile général et souvent d'un voile partiel. Singer 1951 (Gillet) Locq. 5-9 cm; convex or irregularly convex when young ("lumpy looking"), becoming broadly convex, broadly bell-shaped, or nearly flat; dry; minutely to finely or moderately scaly, especially when young--but often becoming bald with age; soft; white or grayish-white when fresh; sometimes staining and bruising yellowish to brownish, especially along the margin; the margin not lined. Lepiota leucothites (Vittad.) Its cap is scaly, and also turns reddish as the mushroom matures. Leucoagaricus leucothites: This very successful mushroom has been found throughout the world. Bez souhlasu Photograph by Adolf Ceska. Solomon Wasser transferred it to Leucoagaricus in 1977. Sve su ove nabrojene vrste pečurkovica jestive jednako kao i Leucoagaricus leucothites, a međusobno ih je vrlo teško razlikovati pa ih neki autori smatraju sinonimima ili varijetetima.