Historically, education programmes have been quality assured by Higher Education Institutes (HEIs). The WHO declared 2020 the Year of the Nurse and Midwife, Read the latest from the Society President James Fraser, Paediatric Critical Care Society 21 Portland Place London W1B 1PY, Tel: 03033 033330 Email:PCCS@anaesthetists.org, Job Vacancies These Standards are additional to Care of Critically Ill Children (Paediatric Intensive Care Society, 2015) and relate directly to the recommendations for nationally consistent Level 3 Paediatric Critical Care Unit (PCCU) specialist nurse education (Paediatric Intensive Care Society UK – Nurse Educators Subgroup (PICS-E), 2015). The PICU team are actively involved in paediatric life support training and simulati… Read More. Promoting Collaborative Research . The following application forms need to be completed in order for the course to be considered for approval: Paediatric Critical Care Specialist Qualification Module Template (Word doc), Equality Impact Assessment Form (Word doc). Education programmes validated by PICS are quality assured by members of the PICS-E Quality Assurers Group (PICSEQA), ensuring that the highest standards of education are delivered cost-effectively. We currently have a 22 bed unit with approximately 1400 annual admissions. Thanks to @PhysioGates for this infographic & for the amazing planning! twitter.com/DrSeanBarnes/s…, Over one million impressions today! With members in more than 100 countries, SCCM is the only organization that represents all professional components of the critical care team. (Word doc), Full information and standards for level 1-2 Nurse Critical Care Education can be found here. Read More. The Royal Brompton Hospital is running a Paediatric BASIC Course in January 2021. The Paediatric Intensive Care Society – Educators Group (PICS-E) have developed standards for orientation programmes for nurses, and for Level 3 Paediatric Critical Care Unit specialist education programmes. Paediatric Critical Care Intermediate Focusing on the care of children with Level 2 (… Advocating In Healthcare Policy . Pediatric Critical Care Nursing Theory 4 is the final course in the pediatric critical care option. Please let us know of any courses you would like added to this page - webmaster@apagbi.org.uk Paediatric Anaesthesia. Our congress theme has gained new meaning as we find ourselves now increasingly interconnected, virtually. Amazing work all at #EPCCS20 #PedsICU twitter.com/Dr_Hari_Krishn…, The Royal Brompton Hospital is running a Paediatric BASIC Course in January 2021. DESIGN: Pediatric Critical Care Communication is a 3-day course taken once during fellowship featuring simulation with actors portraying family members. Setting Standards. PCCS is only as strong as its membership and seeks transparently to represent all colleagues working in Paediatric critical care to meet the following core aims: Setting national standards for high-quality care; Training & education; Promoting collaborative research; Representing paediatric critical care in healthcare policy development Resources curated by PCCS to help in the current pandemic. APAGBI Engagement and Update Event. The day starts with interactive lectures covering common presentations in critical care. Paediatric BASIC course materials are provided free of charge to course organizers on the condition that any profit from courses is used for Intensive Care education or research. A course in paediatric critical care, for non-PICU consultants. Situation Critical – Paediatric Critical Care Stabilisation Course February 12, 2019 Priyen Shah Come and join the CATS team for an interactive and educational multi professional day. The Paediatric Critical Care Society is a professional, multi-disciplinary, membership organisation representing the interests of those delivering paediatric critical care in the UK. Paediatric Acute Nursing in Critical Care - Online About this Event In response to challenges faced in the delivery of high quality healthcare education during social distancing measures South Thames Paediatric Network brings you a collaboration of experienced Nurse educators to deliver an alternative level 1 and 2 Children’s Critical Care Course. Editor-in-Chief: Patrick M. Kochanek, MD, FCCM. Thanks to everyone who joined us from all over the world for our fantastic #PedsICU conference #EPCCS20 last week - what an amazing learning community! Standard Operation Procedure for Quality Assurance of Post Registration Specialist Education in Paediatric Critical Care Units. Aimed at: • Junior Paediatric Intensive Critical […] Year of the Nurse and Midwife, Copyright The Paediatric Critical Care Society 2020, Nurse/AHP Critical Care Specialist Education, Nurse/AHP Critical Care Specialist Education Course Centres, National Tracheostomy Safety Project (Child), Paediatric Critical Care Specialist Qualification Module Template, Learner Application and Learning Contract. Please go to https://wfpiccs.kenes.com/ to register or CLICK HERE for PDF. Courses around the UK offer offer training in paediatric anaesthesia and critical care. Paediatric Critical Care Foundation Module 1 is for internal students only. Eligibility is MD / DNB / DCH in Pediatrics (Medical Council of India –MCI approved). The Graduate Certificate in Nursing Practice (Paediatric Intensive Care) is designed to promote an understanding of the theoretical aspects of paediatric intensive care nursing to support competent practice in caring for paediatric intensive care patients. #PedsICU #Nursing twitter.com/ICS_updates/st…, About 3 weeks ago from Paediatric Critical Care Society's Twitter via Twitter Web App. The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) is the largest non-profit medical organization dedicated to promoting excellence and consistency in the practice of critical care. Topics explored in this unit of study include advanced concepts in haemodynamic monitoring, ventilation, analgesia and sedation, management of complex cardiac and neurological patients, renal replacement therapies and multi-organ dysfunction syndrome. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine | Society of Critical Care Medicine Subscribe to the Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Journal, written for the entire critical care team and for those who deal with pediatric patients.