ADVERTISEMENTS: Conservation of Natural Resources (Paragraph)!  Installing and using rain water harvesting system in houses, colonies. That was so up to the generation that preceded ours. Need to Protect and Conserve Natural Resources [14] When the founders of this nation met at Independence Hall in Philadelphia the conditions of commerce had not fundamentally changed from what they were when the Phoenician keels first furrowed the lonely waters of the Mediterranean. Essay and speech on wildlife conservation for school and college students. . The vast wealth of lumber in our forests, the riches of our soils and mines, the discovery of gold and mineral oils, combined with the efficiency of our transportation, have made the conditions of our life unparalleled in comfort and convenience. Conservation of natural resources means preserving and maintains the natural environment including recreational places. Here is a look at the types of natural resources existing on Earth and … Particularly complex are the problems of nonrenewable resources such as oil and coal (see energy, sources of) and other minerals in … to the rapid destruction, of our natural resources. [34] Neither the primitive man nor the pioneer was aware of any duty to posterity in dealing with the renewable resources. Thus mining, petroleum extraction, fishing, hunting, and forestry are generally considered as naturalresource industries. The enormous stores of mineral oil and gas are largely gone; and those Governors who have in their States cities built up by natural gas, where the natural gas has since been exhausted, can tell us something of what that means. Natural resources conservation can be done in several other ways too. [Applause]. Hence, it is a humble request to stand up and do something for the mother to whom we owe a lot. [7] Savages, and very primitive peoples generally, concern themselves only with superficial natural resources; with those which they obtain from the actual surface of the ground. . [9] Every step of the progress of mankind is marked by the discovery and use of natural resources previously unused. Patricia Bizzell He lives in big cities. 6 additional persuasive environmental speech topics. Foster soil … Such is the revenge of nature. Ella Baker [53] These decisions reach the root of the idea of conservation of our resources in the interests of our people. George H.W. In delivering the opinion of the Court on April 6, 1908, Mr. Justice Holmes said: [47] The State as quasi sovereign and representative of the interests of the public has a standing in court to protect the atmosphere, the water, and the forests within its territory, irrespective of the assent or dissent of the private owners of the land most immediately concerned. Every one knows that a really good farmer leaves his farm more valuable at the end of his life than it was when he first took hold of it. [33] The second class of resources consists of those which can not only be used in such manner as to leave them undiminished for our children, but can actually be improved by wise use. [21] Yet our fathers, though they knew so little of the resources of the country, exercised a wise forethought in reference thereto. Many technologies have recently developed that strive to conserve nature and its resources. So with the waterways. He deals in industries that do not bring him in close touch with nature. Now it is necessary to have knowledge about the need and importance of natural resources as well as spread complete awareness by focusing on its hazardous effects due to the unavailability of these resources. [Applause] So great and so rapid has been our material growth that there has been a tendency to lag behind in spiritual and moral growth [laughter and applause]; but that is not the subject upon which I speak to you today. Save Earth! Think about the world around you and how it has changed over the years. Diane M. Blair Conservation of nature refers to the conservation of all those resources that are formed naturally without any kind of help from the human beings. The time has come for a change. [17] In 1776 the wares of the merchants of Boston, of Charleston, like the wares of the merchants of Nineveh and Sidon, if they went by water, were carried by boats propelled by sails or oars; if they went by land were carried in wagons drawn by beasts of draft or in packs on the backs of beasts of burden. . To the Senate and House of Representatives: Your email address will not be published. At great personal sacrifice of time and effort they have rendered a service to the public for which we can not be too grateful. The utilization of natural resources in place of the other artificial resources will help to cut down the daily expenditure. The resources which we use to sustain our life is called as natural resource. [Great applause], Citizenship & Civic Identity IMPORTANCE OF CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES: A CASE STUDY OF SOME SELECTED VILLAGES IN OVIA SOUTH WEST LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA. 500+ Words Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources. Albert Beveridge John L. Matthews. It is an interdisciplinary subject drawing on natural and social sciences, and the practice of natural resource management. No wise use of a farm exhausts its fertility. In a word, we have thoughtlessly, and to a large degree unnecessarily, diminished the resources upon which not only our prosperity but the prosperity of our children and our children’s children must always depend. Simply making an effort to spread the word is a great way of doing your bit for the world you live in. But this won’t last long. Conservation of nature means the preservation of forests, land, water bodies, and minerals, fuels, natural gases, etc. It avoids unplanned development which breaks ecological as well as human laws. Without it we wouldn’t survive. . [49] Not as a dictum of law, which I cannot make, but as a dictum of moral, I wish to say that this applies to more than the forests and streams. We also need to keep ourselves updated to know about the latest developments in the field of science and conservation. Ex-situ Conservation. Conservation Of Natural Resourses Natural Resources Conservation Summary: Water pollution remains one of the most visible and persistent signs of our impact on the natural world. As peoples become a little less primitive, their industries, although in a rude manner, are extended to resources below the surface; then, with what we call civilization and the extension of knowledge, more resources come into use, industries are multiplied, and foresight begins to become a necessary and prominent factor in life. The green, flat earth lay infinite Its edge was out of mind, We ate the fruit, we grubbed the root. Conservation of nature means the preservation of forests, land, water bodies, and minerals, fuels, natural gases, etc. 2001-present, Susan B. Anthony [22] It met near where we are now meeting, in Alexandria, adjourned to Mount Vernon, and took up the consideration of interstate commerce by the only means then available, that of water; and the trouble we have since had with the railways has been mainly due to the fact that naturally our forefathers could not divine that the iron road would become the interstate and international highway, instead of the old route by water. Life would not be imaginable without air, water, sunlight as well as other natural resources present on the earth. Maegan Parker Brooks So this Nation as a whole should earnestly desire and strive to leave to the next generation the national honor unstained and the national resources unexhausted. Those resources which are non living like the wind, sand etc is called the abiotic resources . Jason Edward Black Natural resources are the resources that are available naturally on our planet. Conservation is one of the most significant applications of eco­logy. I hope there will be action. Further conferences were arranged, first at Annapolis, and then at Philadelphia. President Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most powerful voices in the history of American conservation. [43] The opinion of the Maine Supreme Bench sets forth unequivocally the principle that the property rights of the individual are subordinate to the rights of the community, and especially that the waste of wild timber land derived originally from the State, involving as it would the impoverishment of the State and its People and thereby defeating a great purpose of government, may properly be prevented by State restrictions. The Kentuckian or the Ohioan felled the forest and expected his son to move west and fell other forests on the banks of the Mississippi; the Georgian exhausted his farm and moved into Alabama or to the mouth of the Yazoo to take another. [Laughter and applause]. Introduction. Therefore in dealing with the coal, the oil, the gas, the iron, the metals generally, all that we can do is to try to see that they are wisely used. As a people we have the right and the duty, second to none other but the right and duty of obeying the moral law, of requiring and doing justice, to protect ourselves and our children against the wasteful development of our natural resources, whether that waste is caused by the actual destruction of such resources or by making them impossible of development hereafter. Waste and waste water can be easily reused in agricultural purposes. Natural resources and its importance for human life is an important issue for people on earth. Indeed, the growth of this Nation by leaps and bounds makes one of the most striking and important chapters in the history of the world. Sustainable natural resources conservation is a process of rational use and skilful management and preservation of the natural environment with all its resources. There is no difficulty in doing this if the father will exercise wisdom. We stop wasteful cutting of timber; that of course makes a slight shortage at the moment. [Applause]. Read how! Land Conservation. Moreover, this unexampled development has had a determining effect upon the character and opinions of our people. A few of these punishments are – global warming, deforestation, soil erosion, famine, droughts, desertification, water scarcity, diseases etc. While some of the natural resources such as air, water and sunlight are used directly; others serve as raw material to produce various items of necessity. [Applause]. Without nature our sustenance will be difficult.Â. In dealing with mineral resources, man is able to improve on nature only by putting the resources to a beneficial use which in the end exhausts them; but in dealing with the soil and its products man can improve on nature by compelling the resources to renew and even reconstruct themselves in such manner as to serve increasingly beneficial uses–while the living waters can be so controlled as to multiply their benefits. Some species have become extinct due to natural causes, but the greatest danger to wildlife results from human activities. To avoid that slight shortage at the moment, there are certain people so foolish that they will incur absolute shortage in the future, and they are willing to stop all attempts to conserve the forests, because of course by wastefully using them at the moment we can for a year or two provide against any lack of wood. [16] When our forefathers met in Independence Hall, the differences were those of degrees, not of kind, and they were not in all cases even those of degree. For instance, he finds, as he has found before in many parts of this country, that it is cheaper to build his house of concrete than of wood, learning in this way only that he has allowed the woods to become exhausted. It forms an indispensable part of our lives. The forest closed behind and then it got all globular and we could soil it round. The discovery and utilization of mineral fuels and alloys have given us the lead over all other nations in the production of steel. Finally, it is ominously evident that these resources are in the course of rapid exhaustion. But now we know the harm that we have done to ourselves. It depends on how much aware you are about nature and how much you care about it. [8] We can not do any of these things without foresight, and we can not, when the nation becomes fully civilized and very rich, continue to be civilized and rich unless the nation shows more foresight than we are showing at this moment as a nation. Earth’s natural resources include air, minerals, plants, soil, water, and wildlife. NATURAL RESOURCES 3. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. [31] We have become great in a material sense because of the lavish use of our resources, and we have just reason to be proud of our growth. We should try creating awareness in the localities. [15] You turn to Homer–some of you did in your school days, even if you do not now [laughter]–and you will see that he spoke, not of the Mediterranean but of one corner of the Egean only, as a limitless waste of water which no one had traversed. Natural resources protection or conservation involves employing and adopting environmental protection techniques that will prohibit further destruction or unwise use of our natural resources. 2130 Skinner Building Hundreds of millions of people whose livelihood depend on forest resources are today hapless victims of deforestation. THE CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES From Theodore Roosevelt's Seventh Annual Message to Congress Dec. 3, 1907 . Roosevelt created the present-day USFS in 1905, an organization within the Department of Agriculture. Nature has supplied to us in the United States, and still supplies to us, more kinds of resources in a more lavish degree than has ever been the case at any other time or with any other people. From earliest times and in practically all countries, fisheries have been of industrial and commercial importance. March 6, 2018 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment, Greetings to one and all present here. [38] It is largely because of this that I appointed the Waterways Commission last year, and that I sought to perpetuate its work. [32] The natural resources I have enumerated can be divided into two sharply distinguished classes accordingly as they are or are not capable of renewal. 2) Minerals, water, sunlight, natural vegetation are examples of natural resources. In the previous eighteen hundred years there had been a retrogression in roads and in postal service. In the large N Atlantic fishing grounds off Newfoundland and Labrador, for example, European and North American fishing fleets have long taken cod, ..... Click the link for more information. [6] With the rise of peoples from savagery to civilization, and with the consequent growth in the extent and variety of the needs of the average man, there comes a steadily increasing growth of the amount demanded by this average man from the actual resources of the country. [30] The mere increase in our consumption of coal during 1907 over 1906 exceeded the total consumption in 1876, the Centennial year. Mixed cropping, crop rotation, and proper use of fertilizer, insecticide and pesticides should be taught to farmers. We are over the verge of a timber famine in this country, and it is unpardonable for the Nation or the States to permit any further cutting of our timber save in accordance with a system which will provide that the next generation shall see the timber increased instead of diminished. Natural resources are conserved due to economic as their natural beauty and importance to local culture. War & Peace, 1700-1899 Today I am going to present my speech on the topic ‘how and why should we conserve nature?’ and I wish your co-operation throughout the time that I am presenting my speech.Â, Firstly, I would like to say that nature is a global topic. Any farmer can live pretty well for a year if he is content not to live at all the year after. If it had not been for him this convention neither would nor could have been called. There are uncountable reasons as to why nature should be conserved. Nature is our lifeline. [5] This Conference on the conservation of natural resources is in effect a meeting of the representatives of all the people of the United States called to consider the weightiest problem now before the Nation; and the occasion for the meeting lies in the fact that the natural resources of our country are in danger of exhaustion if we permit the old wasteful methods of exploiting them longer to continue. There is now no nook of the earth that we are not searching. The energy that makes natural resources comes from geochemical, geophysical and solar energy. The term conservation came into use in the late 19th cent. These include water, air, sunlight, land, forests, minerals, plants as well as animals. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children's children. In fact there has been a good deal of a demand for unrestricted individualism, for the right of the individual to injure the future of all of us for his own temporary and immediate profit. The reason this meeting takes place is because we had that waterways commission last year. Denise M. Bostdorff The concepts of urbanization have eroded the natural process. [23] The Constitution of the United States thus grew in large part out of the necessity for united action in the wise of one of our natural resources. This is my video I did as my school project. Only then can we exist.Â, Your email address will not be published. and referred to the management, mainly for economic reasons, of such valuable natural resources as timber, fish, game, topsoil, Click the link for more information.. Natural resource management is a discipline in the management of natural resources such as land, water, soil, plants, and animals—with a particular focus on how management affects quality of life for present and future generations. There are signs that both the Nation and the States are waking to a realization of this great truth–On March 10, 1908, the Supreme Court of Maine rendered an exceedingly important judicial decision. Conservation of forest is the practice of planting more trees and maintaining the forested areas for the sustainability for future generations. 1981-2000 So with the forests. Site by, Shawn Parry-Giles, University of Maryland. When the People of the United States consciously undertake to raise themselves as citizens, and the Nation and the States in their several spheres, to the highest pitch of excellence in private, State, and national life, and to do this because it is the first of all the duties of true patriotism, then and not till then the future of this Nation, in quality and in time, will be assured. [3] So vital is this question, that for the first time in our history the chief executive officers of the States separately, and of the States together forming the Nation, have met to consider it. Now it is necessary to have knowledge about the need and importance of natural resources as well as spread complete awareness by focusing on its hazardous effects due to the unavailability of these resources. Bush You have come hither at my request, so that we may join together to consider the question of the conservation and use of the great fundamental sources of wealth of this Nation. But the Commission will go ahead. It we respect nature, nature will respect us. Natural resources are something that is occurring naturally on Earth. [11] It never does advance by jumps, gentlemen. [26] A great many of these things are truisms. [Applause], [36] Just let me interject one word as to a particular type of folly of which it ought not to be necessary to speak. George W. Bush Speech On Conservation Of Wildlife Wildlife conservation Wildlife Conservation includes all human efforts to perserve wild animals from extinction It involves the protection and wise management of wild species and their environment. Resources obtained from nature are such that they are non-renewable. Department of Communication [Applause.] would be within the legislative power and would not operate as a taking of private property for which compensation must be made. Earth's natural resources are either nonrenewable, such as minerals, oil, gas, and coal, or renewable, such as water, timber, fisheries, and agricultural crops. Encourage the use of manures, bio-fertilizers and organic fertilizers. Nature Conservation is the wise management and utilisation of natural renewable resources in a sustainable manner to ensure the maintenance of biodiversity. It always goes slowly. . There is a simple rule when speaking about the need of nature. Helen Caldicott Natural resources like coal and petroleum are depleting at a very fast rate, and once they are depleted, we will have to depend on other sources of energy. We in turn depend on both plants and animals to continue our life style and on nature on the whole. Natural resources were conserved in the form of sacred groves/forests, sacred pools and lakes, sacred species etc. . We both know at some point of time we both have misused the gifts of nature without even sparing a second thought. This project is to find out the importance of conservation of natural resources in some selected villages in Ovia South West Local Government Area, Edo State. Thus all these natural resources make life worth living on Earth. Not only us, all life forms depends on nature for its sustenance, be it a plant, an animal, a bird or a fish. Roosevelt was bookish and sickly as a child, but quickly discovered a passion for the outdoors. Conservation Of Natural Resources: Environment. Natural resources like coal and petroleum are depleting at a very fast rate, and once they are depleted, we will have to depend on other sources of energy. Conservation also means making use of animals, plants, and other natural materials in a balanced cycle process. As the only president born in New York City, it may seem odd that Theodore Roosevelt is remembered as a nature enthusiast. Respected CEO, Respected Managers, Dear Colleagues (Supervisors) and Dear Factory Staff! A person who studies and promotes conservation and believes that natural resources should be used responsibly is called a conservationist. . Some species have become extinct due to natural causes, but the greatest danger to wildlife results from human activities. Whether it should be conserved or not, is not a topic to be debated on. One distinguishing characteristic of really civilized men is foresight; we have to, as a nation, exercise foresight for this nation in the future; and if we do not exercise that foresight, dark will be the future! We can trust that it will be deferred long enough to enable the extraordinarily inventive genius of our people to devise means and methods for more or less adequately replacing what is lost; but the exhaustion is sure to come. Pls subscribe and hit the notification bell. As the water conservation is a useful tip to reduce the water loss, use or waste, this conserving can help increase the sustainability on earth which means we can ensure that the wellbeing of the natural world and the responsible use of natural resources have been maintained. Thus all these natural resources make life worth living on Earth. [41] Any right thinking father earnestly desires and strives to leave his son both an untarnished name and a reasonable equipment for the struggle of life. U.S. Internationalism We must develop energy saving methods to avoid wastage of energy. The choice not to use our natural resources is called preservation. Conservation of Natural Resources and Traditions of India. In India a large part of the population is uneducated. We need to exercise it in some fashion ourselves as a nation for the next generation. [39] I wish to take this opportunity to express in heartiest fashion my acknowledgment to all the members of the Commission. Ten Lines on Conservation of Natural Resources Set 1. While conservation efforts are underway at National as well as International level, the individual efforts for conservation of natural resources can go a long way. Without such progressive knowledge and utilization of natural resources population could not grow, nor industries multiply, nor the hidden wealth of the earth be developed for the benefit of mankind. Require the implementation of systems for wastewater treatment before reuse or disposal. [40] We are coming to recognize as never before the right of the Nation to guard its own future in the essential matter of natural resources. Conservation includes both the protection and rational use of natural resources.  Use drip irrigation and sprinkling irrigation to improve irrigation efficiency and reduce evaporation. There the difference was one of degree in our favor. The man who cut down a tree was held to have conferred a service upon his fellows. [48] This public interest is omnipresent wherever there is a State, and grows more pressing as population grows. The modern lifestyle and the advance in technology have had a very bad impact on natural resources. [4] With the governors come men from each State chosen for their special acquaintance with the terms of the problem that is before us. The conservation legacy of Theodore Roosevelt is found in the 230 million acres of public lands he helped establish during his presidency. We do not think the proposed legislation would operate to “take” private property within the inhibition of the Constitution. Nature conservation is a conservation movement focused on protecting species from extinction, maintaining and restoring habitats, enhancing ecosystem services and protecting biological diversity.A range of values underlie conservation, which can be guided by biocentrism, anthropocentrism, ecocentrism and sentientism. Conservation is the care and protection of these resources so that they can persist for future generations. It was in Philadelphia that the representatives of all the States met for what was in its original conception merely a waterways conference; but when they had closed their deliberations the outcome was the Constitution which made the States into a nation. It includes maintaining diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems, as well as functions of … But the time has come to inquire seriously what will happen when our forests are gone, when the coal, the iron, the oil, and the gas are exhausted, when the soils shall have been still further impoverished and washed into the streams, polluting the rivers, denuding the fields, and obstructing navigation. Persuasive environmental speech topics to increase the quality of your persuasive communication skills, detailed layouts on Natural Resources, Radio Active Waste Management, and Intensive Farming are even applicable on essay writing goals. Speech On Conservation Of Wildlife Wildlife conservation Wildlife Conservation includes all human efforts to perserve wild animals from extinction It involves the protection and wise management of wild species and their environment. We should also seek out the help of the government in our venture. We want to see a man own his farm rather than rent it, because we want to see it an object to him to transfer it in better order to his children.
2020 speech on conservation of natural resources