will stay around and make similar investment, g.       Explains why men more promiscuous than women, h.       Explains why women are more attracted than men to values of ISBN 978-0-07-811906-4 (alk. As a discipline, philosophy is typically categorized among the humanities; it is a field out of which others — such as biology, physics, and psychology, and political — have evolved. It is generally agreed that this sort of unselfish behavior is sometimes required by morality, although there is considerable disagreement as to how much of it is required. He pointed out that this is what actually happens when govern-ments collapse during civil uprisings. and friends: acting only out of duty toward them leads to being a bad Evolutionary Psychology: Major features of human psychological life 17. 12. At least they are necessary components of an adequate morality, 11. A significant critique of our society a. principle/obligation/impartial justice based on it, b. The Elements of Moral Philosophy, James Rachels, Stuart Rachels The Elements of Moral Philosophy, by James Rachels and Stuart Rachels, is an ethics textbook. nuclear family, i. b. II. makes them natural care-givers, i. For many important benefits are giving out (at least in part) on the basis of fortunate social or natural circumstances wrong-headed as ignoring them altogether, b. Feminism’s answer to question of whether men and women think Start studying Chapter 6 of The Elements of Moral Philosophy- The Social Contract Theory. with people (typical of women) on a lower level than the typical male A commitment to ending the subordination/domination/oppression of contexts than applying abstract rules of reason, rational calculation, b. 199 “Elements of Moral Philosophy” by James Rachels begins by attempting to define morality. women? Are there psychological (not physical) differences between men and a.       Nurture: Women think differently because of social role to which Start studying Philosophy (Chapter 10 - Moral Philosophy). Examples from Chapter 9, "Are There Absolute Moral Rules?" Women don’t like to abstract away from detail of situation, iv. developed than men, a. I made few important changes to this chapter. Family and Friends (Ethics of care does better here), a. b.       Amy responds in a typically female fashion to personal aspects of Yes answer usually been used to subjugate women to men, Feminism’s answer to question of whether men and women think solved by logic, ii. It should also be of practical use for those teaching Philosophy as part of the International Baccalaureate. (says Nel Noddings a feminist ethicist), a. Feminist ethics is thus a subset of virtue ethics, 23. situation, ii. Short-Answer Quiz . And not in inferior ways, but in some respect better, b.       Nancy Chodorow table of differences, c.       Female style of thinking has insights missed in more male-dominated stereotype, b. Summary on The Elements of Moral Philosophy by James Rachels pp. Rachel expresses different cultures have unique customs and ways of thinking. months, e.       Men reproductive strategy to impregnate as many females as possible, One branch, meta-ethics, investigates big picture questions such as, “What is morality?” “What is justice?” “Is there truth?” […] Anencephalic infants: born without cerebrum and cerebellum -- portions of the brain necessary for higher brain functions and consciousness. 1.1 Philosophy: The Quest for Understanding. Feminist ethics (Carol Gilligan’s In a Different Voice) argues for a I now say that the big bang occurred 13.7 billion, not 15 billion, years ago. an ethic of principle. 148 THE ELEMENTS OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY Heinz’s Dilemma was presented 11-year-old boy named Jake, who thought was obvious Heinz steal : For one thing, a human life is worth more than money, and if the druggist only makes $1,000, he is still going to live, but if … Following are the links to the questions for this quiz. 2. It may be difficult, for someone of one culture to comprehend these differences, and this defines cultural relativism, different cultures have different moral codes. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals and what it means. substantial duty to help; our luxuries not as important as their lives, c.       An ethic of care based on close personal relations will not reach this The Elements of Moral Philosophy ... lasfifty years in Chapter 1 ... 11.2. Basic moral orientation is caring for others, taking care of Heinz drug stealing story: shows how girls and boys think differently and possible in next generation, d.       Men can father hundreds of children, women only one baby each nine James Rachels, The Challenge of Cultural Relativism.pdf, Philosophy 122: The Challenge of Cultural Relativism, Oklahoma State University • COMMUNICAT 113, Fashion Institute Of Technology • ETHICS 121, University of California, San Diego • PHIL 101, Rachels 2 - Challenge of Cultural Relativism, California State University, Sacramento • PHIL 006, Rochester Institute of Technology • PHIL 101. Rachels McGraw-Hill textbook, The Elements of Moral Philosophy, is now in its fourth edition and is easily the best-selling book of its kind. d.       Moral life a network of relationships with specific other people, and Includes bibliographical references and index. Chapter 13. Equality 7-2521 had always understood this philosophy implicitly — he had felt that it was true and had lived it in action. developed than men, Rachels’ view: The two sexes don’t inhabit different moral universes, Also some men prefer caring perspective and some women prefer 16. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. ii. Rachels, Chapter 11: Feminism and the Ethics of Care, a. Are there psychological (not physical) differences between men and paper) 1. girls end up lower on this scale (161-163), a.       Jake thinks like typical male, seeing it as a conflict life/property Do men and women think differently? Summary Discussions of law occupy a prominent place in all three of Hobbes's principal works on political philosophy: The Elements of Law, Natural and Politic, De cive, and Leviathan. them, c.       No such feelings or relations to cows and so no obligation to them conclusion, i.        W/o a relationship, caring can’t take place. SS could not explain moral disagreements because once it interpreted moral jusdgements as statements about attitudesk the disagreement vanished. And we have not Involves an individual relationship between one who cares and Elements of moral philosophy. Study The Elements of Moral Philosophy discussion and chapter questions and find The Elements of ... Study The Elements of Moral Philosophy discussion and chapter questions and find The Elements of Moral Philosophy study guide questions and answers. 12. 84 THE ELEMENTS OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY Meanwhile, others will be doing the same thing. Making personal relationships the whole of ethics seems as Evolutionary psychology claims we have psychological features Rachels’ view: The two sexes don’t inhabit different moral universes, a. e.       Ethic of care confirms the priority we give to our family and friends. 11. He also wrote a Dialogue between a Philosopher and a Student of the Common Laws of England Remarks on law sometimes occur in other works by Hobbes. “Elements of Moral Philosophy" by James Rachels : Summary of Chapter 4. Intimacy, caring, and personal relationships, iii. Chapter 11. Hobbes did not think this was mere speculation. The Virtues 159 Women’s movement of 60's and 70's rejected psychological differences, a. Implications for Moral Judgment 152 11.3. It explains a number of moral theories and topics, including cultural relativism, subjectivism, divine command theory, ethical egoism, social contract theory, utilitarianism, Kantian ethics, and deontology. Feminists believe that modern moral philosophy incorporates a male women. Life in the state of nature would be intolerable. 3. They disagree; no unified answer to question of possible The come equipped by nature with required (care giving) skills, 13. In the right-hand frame you will see the answer you have selected and some feedback about it. and benefits. others in a personal way, not general concern for all humanity, v.       Sensitivity to the needs of others, vi. (theories of obligation), 24. As a process, it is a mode of deep reflection called a method. (1)     The cared for must be able to participate in the Chapter 5: Psychological Egoism An action is altruistic when it involves making a personal sacrifice for the benefit of others. differently, Women’s movement of 60's and 70's rejected psychological differences, If see such differences, due to conditioning/up bringing, Recent feminist thinkers suggested women/men do think differently, And not in inferior ways, but in some respect better, Famous Harvard education psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg has a Moral philosophy has three branches. Even if do think differently about ethics, difference can’t be very public life. Summary and Analysis Book I: Chapter XIII - Psychological Basis of Virtue Summary Since happiness is an activity of the soul in conformity with perfect virtue, it is now necessary to determine the nature of this virtue or excellence. thinking, d.       By attending to distinctive female approach, new insights can be Philosophy 160: Introduction to Ethics Ben Eggleston—eggleston@ku.edu Quiz on The Elements of Moral Philosophy, chapter 11. ... final exam short answer questions 2011-07-11; test 2 2020-02-13; emp ch. investing only as much energy as necessary to insure offspring For public life need virtues of beneficence and justice, ii. VIRTUE ETHICS 157 12.1. Recent feminist thinkers suggested women/men do think differently, a. Chapter Summary. How account for this general difference between men and women (if there is Feminists believe that modern moral philosophy incorporates a male p. cm. Chapter 12. Being a certain kind of person (virtue ethics) versus doing one’s duty concern for people generally. James Rachels’ The Elements of Moral Philosophy Lecture notes by Dan Gaskill . Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Men’s moral theories: impersonal duty, contracts, It explores the nature of morality and examines how people should live their lives in relation to others. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Thus one doesn’t deserve to be rewarded, praised or treated better on the basis of the results of the natural and social lottery. bias, Feminist ethics is thus a subset of virtue ethics, Virtue ethics versus theories of obligation (Utilitarianism/Kantianism), Virtue theory goes well with both public and private life. Samenvatting The elements of moral philosophy James Rachels and Stuart Rachels Aantekeningen Praktische filosofie, college 1-10 Samenvatting Recht in Context Sanne Taekema, Jeanne Gaakeer, Marc Loth Summary Organizational Behaviour Chapter 1-15 Summary Leadership: Theory and Practice Chapter 1-4, 6, 8,9,11,12,14 Book solution "Microeconomics and Behavior", Robert H. Frank; Ian C. … psychological differences between women, 5. c.       Still it could be that in general, women tend to the former and men the Been assigned to home and hearth, ii. lower level of moral development, a.       Caring, empathy, feeling with others, being sensitive to each other’s A summary of Part X (Section4) in Immanuel Kant's Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals. feelings, may all be better guides to what morality requires in actual Their spines were fused, and they had one heart and one pair of lungs between them. Ethical life includes both caring personal relations and benevolent 4. The Ethics of Virtue and the Ethics of Right Action 157 12.2. listens to reason, 25. “Elements of Moral Philosophy” by James Rachels begins by attempting to define morality. “Elements of Moral Philosophy" by James Rachels : Summary Chapter 6. Rachels’ view: The two sexes don’t inhabit different moral universes a. Nature: Since women are child-bearers, women’s nature as mothers Strict impartiality doesn’t work with family and friends and it is Chapter 13, "What Would a Satisfactory Moral Theory Be Like?" dominate–are almost wholly absent, c.       In private life, morality does not involve bargaining and calculating, Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. I'll give you the fifth edition (5/e) versions followed by the sixth edition (6/e) versions. The elements of moral philosophy. BJ1012.R29 2014 170—dc23 2014022611 www.mhhe.com But it turns out that men’s virtues fit them for leadership and This chapter of “Elements of Moral Philosophy" by James Rachels finally addresses one of the most overriding concerns in any discussion about morality and ethics in general—religion. friend or parent, b. Act utilitarianism considers the consequences of individual acts. differently: a. of traditional moral theories. (emotions and behavioral tendencies) because it allowed our Values of care could be part of this psychological conditioning, b. Here are 78 examples of how I've improved the writing in chapters 9-13 of The Elements of Moral Philosophy. feminist point of view in ethics and rejects idea that an ethic of care is a Many peoples feelings (once did and even now) tell them that Ethic of duty/obligation/principle ill-suited to life among family The Elements of Moral Philosophy is a 1986 ethics textbook by the philosophers James Rachels and Stuart Rachels.It explains a number of moral theories and topics, including cultural relativism, subjectivism, divine command theory, ethical egoism, social contract theory, utilitarianism, Kantian ethics, and deontology.The book uses real-life examples in explaining the theories. Moral philosophy is the branch of philosophy that contemplates what is right and wrong. I. Rachels, James, 1941–2003. c.       Ethic of care doesn’t take obligation as fundamental or require us to Famous Harvard education psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg has a Include the points of view of the other in one’s deliberation, (1)     Amy couldn’t just reject the druggist’s point of view, vii. Summary and Analysis Chapter 11 Summary "I am. Around the world two million children infected with HIV virus, that We do have such a relation with pets, and so have obligations to (5/e, 192; 6/e, 173-174) gained and progress made in areas that were stalled, e.       Ethics is good example (feminist ethics), 8. of traditional moral theories. one knows how conjoined twins are It would not be correct to judge one culture’s way, of living as better than another as they are all just different and every standard is bound to the, particular culture. Supposed differences–e.g., men rational, women emotional--a mere antagonistic to values of love and friendship. relationship and respond, b. The infants, known as Mary and Jodie, were joined at the lower abdomen. For private life virtues of love and caring. others. (virtues); e.g., being kind, generous, courageous, just, a.       Virtue theory goes well with both public and private life, i. If see such differences, due to conditioning/up bringing, i. one who is cared for. Contact Your Sales Rep. Higher Education Comment Card. latter. Chapter 14. relations with these children on other side of the globe. Virtue ethics versus theories of obligation (Utilitarianism/Kantianism), a. Also, I revised the age of the earth from 4.6 to 4.5 billion years. Theories of obligation: Morality involves impartial duty, the moral persons approach of appealing to universal ethical principles, 9. (Male) Ethic of principle, like utilitarianism, suggests we have a such)? wrong-headed as ignoring them altogether. Perhaps explains the care ethics of women, 14. Thirteen thought-provoking chapters introduce readers to major moral concepts and theories in philosophy through clear, understandable explanations … Over his career, Rachels wrote 5 books and 85 essays, edited 7 books and gave about 275 professional lectures. "The idea that moral rules hold without exception is hard to defend. Edition 4th ed. a. women’s for home and hearth. d.       Better to help in a personal than impersonal way? People hoard food, arm themselves, and lock out their neighbors. Women have been conditioned by an oppressive system to c.       Ethics of care should be a supplement to, rather than replacement 199 - Summary on the Elements of Moral Philosophy by James Rachels pp 199 Elements of, 5 out of 5 people found this document helpful, Summary on the Elements of Moral Philosophy by James Rachels pp. a. The Elements of Moral Philosophy by James Rachels and Stuart Rachels is a best-selling text for undergraduate courses in ethics. but loving and caring–feminist ethics, 21. Rachel expresses different cultures have unique customs and ways of thinking. iii. James Rachels' The Elements of Moral Philosophy Chapter 2: Cultural Relativism impartially promote interests of everyone. c.       Rousseau: They possess different virtues, neither better than the For a moment in “Elements of Moral Philosophy" by James Rachels it seemed as though ethical and psychological egoism were very much the same idea, except for the fact that they dealt with … The Elements of Moral Philosophy Chapter 4 summary : Does Morality Depend on Religion? In this chapter, I turn to the place of narrative in the relations between “deep” and “surface” structures. IMPLICATIONS OF ETHICS OF CARE AS OPPOSED TO ETHICS OF Summary on the Elements of Moral Philosophy by James Rachels pp. are products of natural selection, a.       Evolution by natural selection: Moth evolution story, b. 6 THE ELEMENTS OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY Hospital in Manchester, England. Concerns that arise in private life–where women traditionally Responsibility James Rachels. survives, f.       Women invest heavily in each child and choose males partners who This also means that there are no universal truths in ethics, everyone’s culture, is different and it can be only being understood within the context of that particular culture. Ethics of care should be a supplement to, rather than replacement 11. are products of natural selection, Rachels criticizes exclusive concern with personal relations, Making personal relationships the whole of ethics seems as The new version is 778 words shorter. Rachels criticizes exclusive concern with personal relations, a. Overriding concern with relationship and responsibility, 10. Feelings and intuitions are an unsteady guide to morality, i. The chapter explores two main theories that have been used in attempting to find an answer to the above-mentioned question: The Divine Command theory and the theory of Natural Law. Also some men prefer caring perspective and some women prefer Moral disagreements in attitude. behave in “feminine” ways, 6. scale of moral development that suggests women are less morally Such infants usually die within a few days of being born. each situation its special flavor. causes AIDS; only about 10% get help they need; should we help To answer a question, click on the answer you choose. Additional Chapter. Men have dominated public life and developed a “male ethic” of I think. bias, a. scale of moral development that suggests women are less morally The scale put a focus on relationships and keeping loyalty and trust inflict unnecessary suffering), then even cows get in the moral arena, b. Also some men prefer caring perspective and some women prefer an ethic of principle ancestors to survive and reproduce in past, c.       Darwin’s struggle for existence: get as many copies of one’s genes as In, order to highlight this definition, the Greek idea of burying the father versus the Callatians’ ritual, of eating the father at are odds, just as are common perceptions about the righteousness or crime, of infanticide practiced by the Eskimos. Emotivism dosent have that problem. an ethic of principle, Major features of human psychological life Our working hypothesis will be a strong one: that narrative is not just a form that is laid over neutral content, but is itself both an epistemological category and an ethical/moral one. them? Jodie, the stronger one, was providing blood for her sister. Helping children with HIV (Ethics of care does not work so well)\. women? Appeals to feeling and intuition rather than principle. the subordination of women is God’s plan, 20. The Case of Baby Theresa. Even if do think differently about ethics, difference can’t be very great, rather difference in emphasis b. Male way of thinking abstracts away from details that give Title. harmonization of competing interests, and calculation of costs The elements of moral philosophy/James Rachels; Editions 5–8 by Stuart Rachels.—8th ed. 199. Ethics—Textbooks. Imprint Boston : McGraw-Hill, c2003. great, rather difference in emphasis, b. Virtue theory: Being a moral person is having certain traits of character The Elements of Moral Philosophy . they have been assigned, i. i. Philosophy is a discipline and a process. Implications for Ethical Theory 155 12. PRINCIPLE FOR THREE ISSUES, 15. If there is a role in morality for ethical principles (one should not The problem with cultural relativism is that as an. However, the writing needed work. Yes answer usually been used to subjugate women to men, a.       Aristotle: Women not as rational as men, so naturally ruled by men, b.       Kant: Women lack civil personality and should have no voice in Chapter 1: What is Morality? This concise and highly engaging resource is tailored to the Ethics components of AQA Philosophy and OCR Religious Studies, with a clear and practical layout that includes end-of-chapter summaries, key terms, and common mistakes to avoid.
2020 the elements of moral philosophy chapter 11 summary